Stupid cat

Kind of like this ... only not nearly that cool. Great pic, kirun on flickr.

Good news. It appears that my roommate’s cat actually does serve a purpose.

Despite the fact that it was laying in the exact same position on the couch both when I left this morning at 8:45 and when I returned at 3 p.m., it is now running around the house lunging and diving for a fly that is buzzing at least four feet higher than her maximum jumping capability.

Needless to say that purpose isn’t killing bugs. It’s just my personal amusement.

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Living social

I love my roommates. They’re sweet, social and considerate. Neither is ever noisy. Both are thoughtful and kind.

We do however have some issues with throwing things away (and I’m as guilty as either of them).

There’s currently a covered tray of what was once fresh fruit sitting on the kitchen table. It’s been there since early last week, and there’s a lovely layer of fine fuzz sprouting from the strawberries.

Mike and I are placing bets on how long it will stay on the table without his or my interference …

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