A sweet debacle

The guy sitting next to me in the coffee shop has taken the establishment’s vat of white sugar and placed it on his table for his own use.

Should I just ignore him, or do I politely say, “Hey, buddy! Quit hoarding the sucrose, you sugar hog!”

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On a scale of one to 10, approximately how rude would it be for me to tap the woman sitting two tables away on the shoulder and inform her that the lady she’s talking with is only two fricking feet away from her!?


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Bathroom inspirations

Standing in line to go to the bathroom is an annoyance in the first place.

It’s even worse when you can hear the stalling individual taking up the stall gabbing away an a cell phone.

I considered pounding on the door, demanding, “Come on, man! Focus!” but thought that might be a little too rude.

Actually, it kind of makes me wonder if I could make a little money writing a sequel to famed playwright Samuel Beckett’s groundbreaking work. He wrote “Waiting for Godot;” maybe I’ll write “Waiting for To-go.”

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