The Backpacker Staff

Mmmmmm ... Thanks pixelnaiad on Flickr.
So I’m working as an intern at Backpacker magazine this summer, and it’s pretty obvious that they’re practicing what they preach.
It’s not just the chiseled calves, deep tans and considerable amount of Patagonia attire that’s giving it away.
It’s the oatmeal consumption.
I’d venture to guess that about 87 percent of the employees are eating oatmeal for breakfast, mid-morning snacks or afternoon munches … by choice.

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Parkour in Boulder

Went to a Parkour* class last night at Apex Movement, a Parkour gym way out on Arapaho Rd.

If my thighs stop burning sometime in the next decade, I’m going to be as agile as a lemur!

This is pretty much the stuff we were doing ... pretty much. Thanks to AMagill from Flickr for grabbing this sweet shot!

*If you have no idea what Parkour is, check out these videos.

Michael Scott does Parkour

The rockin’ Apex Movement guys

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God and fruit

God is brilliant. He made oranges come in those convenient, individual slices.

Nature's bounty. Photo from theseanster93 on Flickr.

He made grapes bite-sized flavor bursts. And he made grapefruits into carefully partitioned halves so that you don’t really even need a bowl to eat them.

However, I firmly believe that it was Satan who made mealy apples. That jerk.

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Bathroom admonitions

So I just got up from my desk to go to the bathroom about 28 minutes ago (don’t ask questions; just read my blog) and there was a sign on the first stall saying “Broken.” But when I was just in there, the warning was gone. Either someone is trying to play a cruel joke, or the world’s most efficient plumber works for Active Interest Media.

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Workout revolution

So recently, in a belated attempt to get my arms slightly buffer in time for summer, I’ve been doing push-ups.

Just think ... You could be almost as ripped as this guy! Pic from Tobyotter on Flickr.

But today, while out on my morning run, I found what may well be a far more effectual method of bicep and tricep toning: you carry stuff while you run.

Now, you don’t have to have any intention of carrying these things, but it definitely helps if you’re simply incapable of passing up a sign that mentions the word “free,” even if the adjective is followed by a less than inviting noun: “crap,” “garbage,” “stuff we’ve had in our attic for the past 19 years.”

So what do I recommend you carry to rid yourself of arm jiggle?

Well, ultimately, it probably doesn’t matter. But you know, normal stuff  will work just fine: running shoes; a lamp; a pair of Rollerblades …

No, no. Don’t worry about setting out on your run with these items. That’s what the generous “free junk” givers are for.

You’ll likely find these arm-toning trinkets–oh, I don’t know–roughly 32 blocks away from your apartment and you’ll probably have to get home in time to shower, put some clothes on and pack a lunch and still manage to get to work on time. So next, you run home.

Trust me. Your arms will burn!

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